Sunday, December 26, 2004

A Good Marriage.

After finding out my wife and I are still happily married after 35 years, some ask what our secret is.

What my wife and I fear most is harm coming to the other -- and what we want most is for the other to be happy. That leads us to make sacrifices for each other (love).

For example, my wife likes old "I love Lucy" re-runs. I don't (GAGGHHHH). I like the Discovery and History channels. She could care less about how a volcano erupts or how the Vietnam war really started. But I watch "Lucy" with her (now, that's LOVE), and she watches the Discovery channel with me. (Of course, I have been known to mumble a little during "Lucy" and she's been know to fall asleep during "Discovery").

We don't worry about about who gives the most. We don't count beans or balance the scales. If she wants it, then I'll try to make sure she gets it -- and she's the same with me.

Our secret to a long, happy marriage? I think it is because we love each other more than we love ourselves. We really do.

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