Saturday, November 12, 2005

JC Was Human

Jesus was the Son of God -- but he was also FULLY human. It is unfortunate that some people want their Jesus to be something more. They want their Jesus to be a squeaky-clean freak, because they evidently think he had to be that to be "without sin".

Well, he didn't -- and he wasn't -- and we don't have to be, either.

He was a normal guy. How do I know that? He lived thirty years and fit in just fine with his peers (brothers, friends, religious community, etc.) He could not have done that if he had been a squeaky-clean freak. No one would have had anything to do with him. He couldn't have got a carpentry job. He wouldn't have been invited to weddings. He fit into the human behaviorial bell-curve just fine.

Jesus was human. He was given the same set of selfish, animal instincts we are all born with (self-preservation, sex, and so on). He had the same endocrine system pumping out the same hormones, including adrenaline and testosterone.

Jesus walked, talked, laughed, cried, defecated, urinated, bled, slept, worried, and spit.

He picked his nose and wiped boogers on his pants.

He passed gas (and sometimes laughed).

He ate and belched afterward.

He drank what others drank (including wine).

He sweat and stank between baths (which were probably few and far between).

His teeth were as yellow and probably just as rotten as those of all other Jews of his time who didn't brush and floss.

His breath stank (no Listerene).

Odds are, he had head lice.

He probably said the equivalent of "Oh, sh*t" when he hit his thumb with a hammer.

He had sexual urges. Odds are, he was attracted to pretty girls just as much as his brothers were.

During his lifetime, his comments included the use of sarcasm, satire, exaggeration, wit, humor, and irony.

He got pizzed of at other people and pizzed other people off -- just like we all do.

Do I need to use scripture to prove all this? No, just relatively common sense.

The good news is this. If Jesus could do all this and not sin, we can too.

So, excuse me but I've got this booger that really needs to come out.

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