Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Dos and the Don'ts

As with our own children's training, our Christian behavior modification begins with a multitude of don'ts. They serve as our schoolmaster until we mature to the point we can understand the reasons behind them. Biblical laws were our spiritual schoolmaster. Mature, Holy Spirit-filled Christians who love others as they love themselves have graduated from spiritual law school.

Little Johnny was given the law, "Do NOT shove your sister!" Years later, an older and wiser Johnny shoved his sister VERY HARD -- and prevented her from being ran over by a train. The firm "don't" was negated by a loving "do". Both the "don't" and the "do" existed to ensure that he behaved in a loving way towards his sister.

Such is a mature Christian's relationship with the law.

I will follow the guidance of God's Holy Spirit within me. If following a law (Biblical or otherwise) causes harm to befall my brother or sister, I will disobey it -- and follow the greater law of love.

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