Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wait until they ask -- not!

Many say don't teach children about sex until they ask. Don't wait until they ask!

Start teaching them the biological sciences (including anatomy) about the same time you start teaching them to use the potty. Ensure they understand that they are animals with a full set of animal instincts, and that those instincts are necessary and good. Take them to the zoo and have fun comparing inmate behavior with that of the humans watching the inmates.

Let them know what their animal instincts are for (including the instinct to have sex) and how to recognize them -- how they (will) feel. It's also important to teach them how to recognize those instincts in others. Then, teach them ways to control those instinctive urges and not be controlled by them. Make them aware of the problems and consequences of allowing their animal instincts free rein.

Make sure they understand that most other people (such as boy friends/girl friends) will not have anywhere near this amount of knowledge and will probably think penis, vagina, and copulate are dirty words.

Along the way, be sure and let them know that they are unique in the animal kingdom for a very special reason. They can control their animal instincts any time they choose. They can even choose to love others as they love themselves.

How can we expect our children to do what they don't know -- and how can we expect them to know what they're not told? Just think! If they had your accumulated, hard-earned knowledge, they'd make fewer mistakes, right? So give it to them freely -- and early. Those critters are a whole lot smarter than we sometimes think.


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