Sunday, May 06, 2007

Aliens -- ETs -- Spirits?

Until very recently, natural selection solely determined what was best for Homo sapien survival. We had no say in our evolution. However, we have reached the stage in our evolution where we are capable of un-natural selection. We have sequenced our genome and are on the verge of controlling it. For the first time (as far as we know), matter will be in charge of it's own destiny.

In the short term, this will probably lead to longer lives by improving our physical bodies. However, as long as we remain in physical bodies, death will be our ultimate fate. Therefore, some future leap in our evolution will probably be to abandon our bodies. It could happen in stages, starting with our exchanging flesh and blood for something more durable -- but still physical. However, regardless of how durable, the life of all matter is still finite. The only way to finally put our instincts for survival at ease is to obtain immortality -- and the only immortality we know of today is that of energy.

It makes for good movie, but it makes little sense to imagine ETs being corporal beings of any kind, let alone bipedal with big eyes and big heads. Our technology is only a couple hundred years old and look how far we've come already. Imagine where any alien technology would be if it were thousands, maybe millions of years beyond ours. Undoubtedly, the evolution of any other sentience would be many years farther along than our own if they were capable of "visiting" us.

So, it's a fair bet any ETs will have evolved out of mortal bodies to some form of sentient energy. This sentient immortality may be what it means to be a "spirit". Unless Roswell-style ETs are the redneck, retarded cousins of the universe, I doubt if they exist. However, I would not be surprised if a true ET (spirit) is looking over my shoulder as I type this.


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