Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Learn New Things Every Day

Early in my life, I made a pact with myself to learn at least one new thing each day. As an avid reader, I've had no problem doing that. Interestingly, each new thing I learned tweaked my interest in many more. Such curiosity also resulted in my questioning almost everything I was ever told, from the religion I grew up with to the politics of "our side". It's almost impossible to read something, even a fictional novel, without learning new things, even if they are as diverse as the types of streets in Selma, Alabama or the ingredients in a good soufflĂ©. All you bookworms out there know what I'm talking about. So, after seven decades, I have a broad knowledge of many things. All curiosity-driven elders do, and this knowledge was less determined by intellectual ability than by a lifetime of curiosity and experiences. My Native American ancestors understood this well.

One of the most important things I learned and passed down to my children is that perpetuating truth is far more important than perpetuating harmful myths and traditions. But it takes curiosity -- and much courage -- to question, and if necessary, abandon what we were taught by our tribes. But fostering this curiosity and courage in each other and our children is vital to ensure the best lives for ourselves and our growth as a species.

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